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education with a Higher purpose

Christian Academy School System

When we hit 100% goal (500,000 votes) we will win $500. Click "Vote" and vote with text,email and/or by joining Class Act to to help us! When God allowed our first school to open over 45 years ago, our prayers were for His direction and blessing on our mission to come alongside Christian parents to help them develop their children with a heart for God. Today, our prayer and our focus remains the same and we have been humbled watching God work during this time. Students tell us that they feel loved by teachers, their peers and by God. They see that by seeking God, they have a special purpose in what they learn and how they use their time and talents. Alumni tell us that they were prepared for college and beyond and that their spiritual walk remains a strong or stronger part of their life. College recruiters tell us that our students have a special “love of life” that they bring to their campuses.



Of 500000 votes reached


Your Vote Counts

How to Earn Points
  • Site Visit: 1
  • Email Sign Up: 200
  • Text Sign Up: 400
  • Member Auto: 12,000
  • Member Personal: 4,000
  • Member Credit Card: 7,500
  • Member Lifestyle: 3,000
  • Member Overdraft LOC: 1,500
  • Any Mortgage Product: 10,000
  • New Member Auto: 43,000
  • New Member Personal: 38,000
  • New Member Credit Card: 23,000
  • New Member Lifestyle LOC: 18,000
  • New Member Overdraft LOC: 2,500
  • New Member Account: 13,000
  • New Member Checking: 5,000