At this point, you have passed 1 million points. You have a long road ahead. Heroes of Education is meant to be a constant fundraising opportunity for your school. It’s time to get even more strategic. Here are some things for you and your coach to discuss.
a. NEW EMPLOYEES! Let us welcome them in and get them to the credit union. Class Act sponsors new employee orientation. We do work of educating them about Class Act. Show them the worth of the program and invite them to join. One new membership can be hundreds of thousands of points.
b. Clubs, Athletics, Band, PTA- There are a lot of organizations that need funds all year long. How can Class Act partner with your school to get these groups excited?
c. Parents- Any person related to a student can be a member (JCPS only). This means your parents and student’s family can be a huge driver of this! How can Class Act help you reach those people?
d. Students- Class Act offers a financial education program, where every student account can open an account and learn how to use it. Every account counts towards your school!
· SHARE! KEEP SHARING. According to the internet you should be posting on Twitter at least 3 times a day and Facebook at least once a day.
· Have a coach meeting. What is working? Look at your page analytics. Where does most of your traffic come from? Class Act can provide you a ton of a data and advice.
· Talk to your coach about engaging with your supporters. As people visit your page, vote with text and email, Class Act adds them to your biggest fans network. We can send them messages about how to help your school even more.